Billy Club


Fifteen years after a gruesome triple homicide devastated their Little League baseball team, four friends reunite to commemorate their dead coach and fallen teammates. A mystery unfolds as the secrets from their past return to haunt them and a vengeful killer, hidden by an antique umpire’s mask, returns to even the score.

Creative Process

1) Create photoshoot reference boards.
The boards illustrate each concept with a sketch, and also include reference images. These reference images are used as inspiration for lighting, camera angle, or facial expression.

2) Shoot photos.
The photographer uses our detailed boards to capture the exact images needed for the poster concepts.

3) Build posters.
Using the images from the photoshoot, we create the beautiful artwork you see above!

“AMAZING! Wow, these really turned out incredible… You ladies are killing it for the club!”

— Drew Rosas, The Surgery Room